Tuesday, October 5, 2010

a creator

When young children are asked to present a topic to their class, they are often required to include information about the inventor of their topic. When students study literature, they are required to study the author of their current piece of literature. Studying the author provides the student (and the teacher) with a much better understanding of and appreciation for the work. With any piece of art, visual or performing, a study of the artist is required. Each display in each museum contains a plaque with an artist's name, the creator of the piece. If any prestigious museum were to hang a new painting on it's wall and the plaque were to say: "No Creator, Came About Via Spontaneous Generation", the world would cry "ludicrous" and investigations would immediately ensue. Yet the most beautiful piece of artwork, mankind, is thought to be created in just this way. How can we understand so fully the necessary role of a creator in every other aspect of our lives and ignore it so completely when it comes to ourselves? How can we require information on any other creator and reject any information on our own Creator. We have an enormous amount of ignorant pride. We are power hungry. If we acknowledge that a being created us, then we acknowledge that a being is greater and more powerful than us. But think about the artwork one more time. Do we think less of a painting because we know it has a creator? No, in fact many paintings increase in value when they are discovered to be a creation of a celebrated artist. We don't even try to think of the painting as being more powerful than the artist, but that doesn't make the painting any less awe-inspiring. When we discover that we have been created by the almighty God, our understanding of our own value should increase exponentially. We have been created by the most amazing artist. ever. Once we understand this truth and begin to investigate our creator, we will have a much better appreciation for His art, a much better appreciation of ourselves and our purpose: to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. We recognize the necessity of creators and require the study of them in pieces of art. Can we put those pieces together and recognize the necessity of our Creator and require the study of Him?

1 comment:

Katie said...

aha, I hear echos of Monday morning's talk...? :)

this is quite brilliant.