Monday, January 20, 2014

a letter without postmark

Dear producers of The Hobbit and other concerned parties, 

There are innumerable reasons why I have a strong disliking for your artistic representation of the beloved story originally compiled by Mr. Tolkien. However, there is really no need to list all of them as it will not change anything for you (plural) or me. 

I really just have one simple request. 

Would you please record the rest of the Misty Mountains song?

I really loved your composition and arrangement (and lots of other musical terms I don't quite understand), but when I make some tea and find a warm blanket and play the version from the soundtrack, it is over before my tea is even cool enough to start drinking which is hardly helpful when trying to set a mood for an evening (or afternoon or morning for that matter).

I would be willing to reconcile a few of my differences (I can't promise all of them) if you would just record the rest of song (i.e. all of the verses written by Mr. Tolkien in the actual story with the title "The Hobbit").

that's all,


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