Wednesday, November 7, 2012

yes, trying to double major is insanity

16 hours of sleep in the last three days . . .
2 hours last night . . .
more coffee . . .
almost done

 . . . looking forward to sleeping all day Friday and going out to dinner with friends Friday night :)

 . . . then rehearsal for an extra piece that I got asked to be in by one of the department's best choreographers, a final on Tuesday, a final on Wednesday . . . and then . . .


I haven't been home in three months and I can't wait to be home :) I'm eagerly anticipating sitting around the fireplace snuggled in a heap with my siblings covered in blankets and sipping tea while my dad reads a book or leads a family devotion :) :) :)
-and Mama will be there too of course :)

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