Saturday, December 18, 2010


My school friends and I have been talking about motivation. I struggle to understand how so many brilliant people I know have no motivation to complete their schoolwork. We discussed how different people are motivated by different things. But is that okay? Shouldn't we all ultimately find our motivation in Christ and the gospel?
...I am most definitely a people pleaser. And that can be good. I often care a lot about other people and what they are thinking and feeling. I hate to be an inconvenience to anyone. Anyone who knows me well enough will complain of my frequent apologizing. But this can also be a bad thing. Often I find my motivation to accomplish any given task rooted in my fear of man. In my Christian bubble (i.e. my small christian school and my small christian church), this motivation has rarely ever lead my actions astray. Yet, it has lead my heart astray. I have been more focused on how people view what I do than on how the Lord views the intentions of my heart. My little Christian bubble is about to burst. Whether I stay local or go out-of-state, college is going to be a whole new world for me. I must make my relationship with Christ of most importance if I wish to stand firm in my faith throughout the next years of my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this seriously made my day (and is super convicting), because THIS IS ME... I am a serious people pleaser... Thanks Rachie!