Sunday, October 10, 2010

Adventures In Indiana - part one

This morning we will leave our house at quarter to six. I am finally packed and really quite nervous. I've been struggling with trusting that God has a plan and it's not based upon my actions or performance. I have a history of being exceedingly nervous at auditions and this fact is weighing much too heavily on my thoughts. Thank the Lord for my amazing parents, grandparents and friends. Throughout this week many of them have frequently reminded me of the truth of resting in Christ and truly casting all of my worries on Him. Also, my weekend motto is: I'm Going To Butler!!! ...just for Megan :)


Katie said...

a) hi! I'm going to comment on all your posts! muahaha

b) you are going to be AMAZINGNESS, just like Megan, but a better dancer :P

c) you didn't leave until 5:45? you could have taken the SAT with us! you missed, like, the best time (and an essay that could have come out of your thesis)

d) if I recall correctly, your mantra was like 52 words longer than that, lol.

e) double periods, really?!

f) WHOOOO YOU ARE GOING TO BUTLER!!!!! have an awesome time!

Rachel Elizabeth said...

a) :)

b) thank you, but no one can match the level of Megan's awesomeness :)

c)I danced all day Saturday and we left at 5:45 Sunday morning :/ You will have to tell me about the essay.

d)I shortened it :P It comes to the main point much more quickly.

e)I'm so sorry, it was very late, er, very early rather :/ (I fixed it.)

f) yay :D