Wow, I'm really tired. Today was the big day. I had so much hairspray in my hair that my hair was hard and, after washing it twice, there are still hairspray flakes in my hair. We had informational meetings in the morning, the dreaded three hour audition and tours in the afternoon. I have mixed feelings about the day. The campus was just as beautiful as yesterday. It was voted 11th most romantic college in the country. It was very relaxed and never had the usual rushed, noisy campus feel. The program sounds amazing. Along with great classes and teachers, dance majors are required to work with costumes, sets and lighting. The performance hall seats 2,000 and it's gorgeous. Performance opportunities include tours in Russia and China. The audition classes were hard, but not unreasonable. We first took a class with seniors. Then we took a class with the sophomores. I didn't do very well in the first class, partially because of nerves and partially because the teacher taught a really fast-paced class. I danced much better in the second class. I also liked the teacher of the second class better. All six of the full time faculty passed through the classes, but none of them stayed through all of either class. Admission is decided by majority vote from the faculty. About 250 students audition each year, but only about 25 attend Butler as dance majors the next fall. Butler accepts more than 25 because not everyone who is accepted chooses Butler. But, that still means I don't have a great chance of getting in. I'm starting to have all the "I should have..." thoughts, but my mom is very graciously reminding me that it's all in God's hands and that I may not be accepted to Butler simply because God has a better plan.
Here are a few more pictures...
The Performance Hall |
Butler Bulldog Dressed for the Arts |
The Amount of Metal in My Head |
Foods Dancers are Never Supposed to Eat, But I Did :D |
Random Note: During the first informational meeting, my amazing green pen started leaking all over my hands! Of all the things I anticipated gonig wrong, this was not one of them. Mom started passing me Wet Ones under the table from her purse and I spent the next couple hours trying to scrub my hands unnoticibly. It was very interesting, but it turned out okay. By the time we reached the audition, it had faded considerably.
Oh, no, Rachie! Your green pen! (haha, I can totally see that happening, though)
and, oh dear, that is a LOT of metal. Speaking of a lot, you would really enjoy this article (few words, lots of pictures, will take you like 2 minutes so don't stress about it, as it seems you have enough to stress about :/)
See you soon!
"all the metal that was in my head" haha, it is quite a lot of metal. The campus looks beautiful, I'll continue to pray for your acceptance!
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