I miss my siblings sooooooo much...
I miss Midget. I miss all of her intelligent comments. I miss her huge vocabulary. I miss her constant desire to support and serve everyone around her even though she is usually the youngest by far. I miss her little face always looking up at me asking if we could just spend some time together. I miss her stories about her class (always told as they were the most extreme dramas occurring on earth). I miss her adorable smile.
I miss Joel Bean. I miss his dedication to finding every secret level, life, etc. in every video game we play. I miss his eye rolls as he tries to explain Xmen to me for the hundredth time. I miss his one word answers to every question I ask. I miss how quietly he watches things for hours at a time. I miss all of his thoughtful observations. I miss how patiently he waits to make those observations while the rest of us keep on rambling about nothingness. I miss his random spazz attacks. I miss his desire to protect those around him, especially little ones.

I miss Zachy. I miss the passion he puts into everything he does. I miss his great enthusiasm. I miss the times I would wake up before six to find him studying. I miss his play by play descriptions of gym class followed by a few words to summarize the rest of the day. I miss how often dinner would end with me chasing him around the house because of something he said or did just to bother me :) I miss debating the finer points of super powers.

I miss Mimi. I miss hearing about every part of her day in intense detail and dramatic reenactments. (It really feels like a whole part of my life is gone.) I miss staying up until two in the morning talking and laughing. I miss arguing about what shade of pink something is just because we're both so stubborn. I miss her need to rearrange our room every couple months. I miss her great cooking and baking. I miss always having someone to hang out with and do crazy things with just because we can :) I miss how easily she can get a great conversation going with anyone. I miss how much she cares for everyone around her.
*photo credit for all photos in this post: Cyndi Sain (she takes gorgeous pictures)
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